Good nutrition is the foundation of good health. Cornerstone physicians are here to support you and your family from birth through adulthood with up-to-date evidence-based information and guidance to help you eat well. For a healthy start, Cornerstone provides free lactation consultation to all families of newborns. Our doctors discuss nutrition and growth and development at every well-child check to ensure your child is growing well and developing good eating habits. We also offer nutrition consultations and parent classes to keep healthy eating on track.
Read about the Basics of Breastfeeding, view this video on paced bottle feeding, or find out about Formula Feeding your Baby
For extensive information on breastfeeding please visit our Lactation (Breastfeeding) page or call 919-460-0993 for a free lactation consult.
Before starting solid foods visit Feeding Your Baby 4 Months to a Year for a step-by-step guide.
If your baby has severe eczema or egg allergy, he or she may need to be tested for peanut allergy before starting solid foods. Be sure to discuss this with your child’s doctor at the 4-month visit. Peanut allergy can often be prevented by using a specific peanut allergy prevention protocol starting at around 4 months of age.
Check out The Development of Healthy Eating for additional information about feeding infants and toddlers from Dr. Kocsis’s book on nutrition, Savvy Eating for the Whole Family.
Read Dr. Kocsis’s chapter on Avoiding Food Wars and Establishing Healthy Eating Practices which includes a troubleshooting section to help with common feeding problems, or if you’re short on time, read a quick summary about Nutrition for toddlers and Picky Eaters
Read Helping Teens Eat Well if you’re struggling with your teen about how they eat. If your teen is headed off to college, he or she might want to read How to Eat Well on a College Meal Plan first.
If your family is trying to eat a more plant-based diet you might want to read Plant-Based Diet 101: The Easy Way to Eat a Plant-Based Diet If you or your child is vegan or vegetarian read Nutrition Tips for Vegans and Vegetarians.
Teens with acne might want to read this information about eating well to help heal acne.
If you’re concerned about getting enough calcium read how calcium and many other factors influence the development of healthy bones. This article gives detailed information about choosing plant versus dairy milk.
If you’re considering giving your child a vitamin supplement read more about Who needs a vitamin and How to Eat Well so You won’t Need a Vitamin