At Cornerstone Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, it is our policy to care equally for people of all cultures, ethnicities, mental and physical abilities, gender identities, and preferences. We aim to deliver the best quality healthcare possible within the framework of your family’s culture and values. We celebrate the diversity of our community and strive to be aware of each patient’s uniqueness. Please keep us informed of any individual preferences or circumstances so we can care for you with sensitivity and respect.
APPOINTMENTS: In order to give the most efficient care, we work within an appointment system. We make every effort to honor all time commitments and aim to give our patients the time and attention they need while in our office. We ask that you arrive for your appointment at least 15 minutes in advance (for example, if your appointment is at 2:00 pm, we ask that you arrive at 1:45 pm). This gives us the opportunity to verify your insurance coverage, update demographics and give you time to fill out any necessary forms and screening tools before your nurse brings you to the back to start your appointment. If you arrive more than ten minutes after the scheduled arrival time, we may need to reschedule your appointment.
WORKING IN SIBLINGS: Squeezing in an unscheduled sibling visit can delay the physician for the rest of the day. Please schedule a separate visit for each child that you would like examined. If time permits us to “work in” a sibling into a full schedule, an appointment will need to be scheduled and all customary copays and charges will apply.
NOTICE REGARDING WELL CHILD CHECKS AND COPAYS: Please be aware that it is not uncommon for patients to receive a regular check-up and an evaluation of an acute or chronic illness/problem at the same time. For example, a child may need evaluation for depression, a recent illness, or a follow-up for ADHD during their well-child appointment, In these cases, your insurance company may be billed for a well-child exam and an additional office visit, which may require a copayment by you.
NO SHOW/CANCELATION POLICY: Missed appointments represent a cost to us, to you, and to other patients who could have been accommodated. Appointments missed or not canceled at least 24 hours before the appointment time will result in a $35.00 fee per 15-minute appointment block. Appointments made the same day that are subsequently missed or canceled are also subject to a fee of $35.00 per 15-minute appointment block. Appointments can only be canceled by calling during regular business hours. Phone messages and/or emails are not sufficient. Please help us serve you better by keeping your scheduled appointment. (Needless to say, this does not apply to patients who are admitted to the hospital, in the ER, or with extenuating circumstances.)
AFTER-HOURS APPOINTMENTS: Any appointment made after hours or on weekends will incur an additional fee of $50.00. If your insurance does not cover this additional charge, you will be responsible.
AFTER-HOURS TELEPHONE CALLS: For your convenience, a triage nurse is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Due to the extra cost to us to provide this service, please understand that any calls to our triage service after 5:00 pm Monday through Friday or anytime on Saturday or Sunday will incur a $15.00 charge. There is no fee if you bring your child into the practice within 24 hours of calling the service OR if your child is UNDER 2 months of age.
FORMS: Please be mindful that completion of your child’s forms (daycare, school, camp and sports physicals, etc.) requires 3-5 business days and a recent physical on file. Forms needing completion sooner can be picked up by the end of the NEXT business day for a $20 rush fee. Payment in full is due at the time of form drop-off
PRESCRIPTION REFILLS: Please see our prescription refill policy
SEEING PATIENTS UNDER AGE 18 WITHOUT A PARENT: Written permission must be in the chart in order for us to see children without a parent or guardian present.
CUSTODY AGREEMENTS: If there is a separation or divorce or a change in guardianship, we must have a court document on file indicating which parent/guardian is authorized to provide medical care, make medical decisions, and receive medical information on the child(ren). The primary caregiver is responsible for notifying our office in writing of the above information as soon as there is a change in guardianship or custodial status. Our office can not change financial responsibility on an account or bill another party without signed paperwork that changes financial responsibility.
FINANCIAL POLICY: All patient families are required to read and sign our Financial Policy before establishing as patients.
PRIVACY: Information about your health is private and it should remain private. That is why Cornerstone Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine is required by federal and state law to protect and maintain the privacy of your health information and why our patient families sign this detailed HIPPA agreement each year. For more details click here.
MASKS worn over the nose and mouth are required for all patients and families over the age of 2 years who have symptoms of infectious disease (fever, runny nose, cough, sore throat, rash, vomiting, etc.) while in the building. We welcome you to read why this is our policy.
VACCINATIONS Cornerstone policy requires all patients under the age of 2 to be fully vaccinated against vaccine-preventable diseases prior to the patent’s 2nd birthday. Patents who are over 2 years old, and not fully vaccinated, must be fully vaccinated within 7 months. This policy also applies to any children that may have been grandfathered in under the previous Vaccination Policy. This includes the following vaccines:
- Hepatitis
- Tetanus, and Pertussis (DTaP)
- Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
- Polio
- Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR)
- Varicella
- Pneumococcal conjugate (PCV)
- Rotavirus
- Tdap (at 11 years old)
- Meningococcal (at 11 years old)
Documentation of all vaccinations must be provided to Cornerstone Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine. Failure to comply with this policy will result in the denial of healthcare services at Cornerstone Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, as well as possible exclusion from group settings, such as daycare or school, as required by North Carolina law.
Exemptions will only be granted for medical reasons, as determined and/or
agreed to by a Cornerstone Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine physician. Religious and personal belief exemptions will not be granted.
NO GUNS OR WEAPONS are allowed in our building.
COMMON COURTESY: We do not engage in or tolerate abusive or derogatory language in our office.
2022 Update: We especially ask for your patience and understanding during this challenging time.
We take pride in providing high-quality patient care in a timely manner. However, we are attempting to keep up with the increased volume of phone calls, immunizations, sick patients, and well visits while providing in-office patient care 7 days a week. Please exercise kindness and consideration! We are doing our best to continue to serve your needs. We are all in this together.
The physicians at Cornerstone Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine believe these policies are vital to delivering high-quality equitable care in a safe and caring environment. If you disagree with our office policies and feel you are unable to abide by them, we ask that you seek another physician practice to deliver your child’s care.