Children with eczema have itchy sensitive skin. Eczema is not a condition that can be cured, but
with good skin care symptoms can resolve.
● Avoid all scented products including laundry detergent, fabric softeners, dryer sheets,
body wash, soap, perfume, or lotion. Only use laundry products that say “free and clear” for the whole family
● Use baby shampoo like Aquaphor Baby to clean your child’s hair as needed.
● Use just water to clean your child’s body most days. Small children do not usually need
to use soap on their bodies. When needed, use Aquaphor or Eucerin baby wash or
Cetaphil cleanser to clean your child’s body. Always rinse well with clean warm water.(Not the
soapy bath water!)
● Avoid long hot baths. They can make skin itchy and dry.
● Use plenty of Aquaphor, Cetaphil Restoraderm or Eucerin moisturizer right after the bath
and as needed during the day.
● If your doctor prescribed a medicated cream or ointment, always apply it to the skin
before applying moisturizer.
● If your child’s skin develops redness with crusting tenderness or swelling, make an appointment with his or her
doctor. The skin can become infected from scratching.
● If your doctor recommends bleach bath to treat or prevent infected skin, add ¼ cup bleach to a standard tub filled with 3
to 5 inches of warm water and soak body for 5 to 10 minutes. Do not submerge the head. Keep bleach out of reach of children and prepare the bath while your child in not near the tub in case of splashing.
Or, in place of bleach bath, you can purchase Cln bodywash online and follow the directions on the bottle. Cln can be used
daily. Bleach bath can be used once or twice a week.