Take advantage of our free lactation services so you feel more comfortable and confident feeding your baby. Our International Board Certified Lactation Consultant provides comprehensive lactation/feeding counseling starting at your baby’s first check-up. She can assist you in working through latching difficulties, supplementing, pumping, returning to work, or extended nursing. We aim to provide families with customized care to help meet your feeding needs and goals.
Lactation visits are available to all Cornerstone Pediatric families in-office and by phone Monday through Friday during office hours. We’re here to support you through the duration of your feeding and/or pumping journey!
Call 919-460-0993 to schedule a consultation
What to Expect at Your Baby’s First Check-up:
During your first visit our nurses and providers will review your delivery history, and current feeding information, and collect your baby’s vitals. Your first visit will take approximately 45 minutes. This occurs in conjunction with a doctor’s appointment.
- Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment time.
Both parents should be present for this visit. - Dress your baby warmly for his/her appointment – layers, a hat, and socks.
- Make sure to bring diapers/wipes, a blanket, an extra change of clothes, or any other items your
baby may need during your visit. - Bring any nipple shields/nipple shells, nursing pads, or any other feeding tools you may need
during your appointment. We ca provide nursing pillows during your appointment. - Wear a comfortable shirt that will easily allow access for chest/breastfeeding.
- Latching, positioning, engorgement, milk supply, milk transfer, infant growth, pumping,
and supplementation (if needed), are all items that will be discussed during your appointment. - Feel free to bring your pump, especially if you need assistance with pump assembly/use or if
you will be going back to work soon. - The pediatrician will check your baby’s overall health, jaundice, wet and stool diapers, and complete a physical exam.
We will be happy to address any questions you have at this visit.
- Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment time.
Thank you for choosing Cornerstone Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine for your child’s care. We
are here to aid you in caring for your baby. Welcome to our practice, we look forward to meeting
your new bundle of joy!
Community Breastfeeding Resources
Breastfeeding Positions Handout
Breastfeeding & Diaper Count Journal
Expected Milk Intake and Associated Voids and Stools
How Do I Know if My Baby is Getting Enough?-Signs of Milk Transfer
Proper Handling and Storage of Breast Milk
What to Do About Biting While Breastfeeding
Thrush (Oral Candida Infection)
Cold Remedies/Medications for Breastfeeding Moms
Mother Love Products: How to Increase Your Milk Supply
Click here for more information about caring for your newborn.
Resource list for Mothers with Mood Disorders
Our Lactation Room
Breastfeeding is welcome anywhere in our office. If you prefer a private space, we have a lactation room
on-site where you can feed privately during your visit.