Tips for a better telehealth experience:


Ensure your privacy:

    • Find a quiet private place for your telehealth visit.
    • Prevent interruptions: Put a sign on your door and/or tell the people you live with that you will not be available during the time of the appointment. 
    • Turn off notifications on your devices during the visit.
    • If necessary, run a fan or other noise machine in the hallway just outside your door to prevent anyone from being able to listen in on your private conversation with the doctor.
  • If you are the parent of a teen or a child with a telemedicine visit for mental health concerns,  give the doctor time to talk to your child alone. Ensure your child knows that you will leave the room and go to another part of the house or outside while they have a private conversation with the doctor. DO NOT linger outside the room or attempt to listen to the conversation. Your child can come to get you or text you when the visit is over. If you are a teen concerned about being overheard, ask family members to read this article and cooperate to ensure you get the best care.
  • Use headphones or earbuds to further ensure privacy and improve audio quality.

Avoid technical problems:

  • Make sure you have a good internet connection and adequate battery charge/power supply.
  • If possible, sign on a few minutes before your visit to make sure your equipment works.
  • Make sure your camera is on and you are unmuted.
  • If you’re using your phone for the visit, make sure you’re in a place with good reception and be ready to answer the phone a few minutes prior to the appointment time.
  • Make sure you have good lighting. Avoid sitting in front of a window or with a light source behind you.
  • Make sure you speak clearly and loudly near your microphone and check with your provider to make sure you are well heard.
  • Be sure to write down the phone number to call in case you get disconnected.
  • Avoid doing other tasks during the visit and make eye contact with your provider.
  • If you are a parent of more than one child, make sure you ask someone else to care for your other children during the visit.


More information on telehealth